Group book signing · Tribunes urbaines

The Bookshop is delighted to welcome Chrixcel, Petite Poissone, Mahn Kloix, Heartcraft and the Wabisabi for a collective signing session to mark the release of “Tribunes urbaines” published by Alternatives on Saturday 2 December from 3pm to 5pm.


Walls have always been privileged spaces for popular expression, displaying in words and images the anger, questions and expectations of anonymous people and artists of all stripes. And this is even truer today, with the rise of urban art. Faced with the climate emergency, the migrant crisis, social inequalities and more, ‘artivists’ from all over the world are becoming the voice of a planet Earth in pain, of those left behind by capitalism, of women and men fighting for their rights… Between indignation and concern about the state of our society, no subject can resist their bombs or their collages.

And while some choose to work collectively in order to remain relatively anonymous, others claim responsibility for their work, leaving themselves open to criticism and prosecution. But all remain faithful to the same creative commitment, demonstrating with talent that walls still have a right to speak and more than ever deserve to be heard. Following in the footsteps of Stéphanie Lemoine and Yvan Tessier’s Murs révoltés (Alternatives, 2015), in this book Chrixcel presents the news from 2016 to 2023, as seen through the eyes of street artists, through interviews (Ron English, Mahn Kloix, Itvan Kebadian, Nevercrew…) and analysis of committed works.


Chrixcel has been passionate about urban art since 2007. An author and photographer in the field, she has published a number of monographs on urban artists (Ender, Nosbé, Zilda, Mr. Lolo, MonkeyBird, Mademoiselle Maurice, Philippe Herard, JBC and RNST) with Critères Éditions. For Alternatives, she has published Le bestiaire fantastique du street art (with Codex Urbanus), Street illusions (with Codex Urbanus) and Le guide du street art à Paris (with Thom Thom).