

Fluctuart inaugurates its terrace on the quay with the exhibition “Ondes sensibles”, curated by the artist Madame!

In her way of associating engravings or old documents which had little chance of meeting but which once brought together speak of what surrounds us, she wished to highlight talents as different as they are complementary to create a caleidoscopic vision of what seems to her to be “art”, whether it is urban or not, but always plural and touching.

A great opportunity to discover talents that have touched, inspired and marked the artist Madame. Strollers along the quays of the Seine will be able to discover works created in situ by the artists Bault, Kazy Usclef, Kraken, Madame, Néan, Popay and Tania Mouraud.

Throughout the summer, the urban art centre Fluctuart invites its visitors to discover its free artistic programme accessible to all: permanent collection, temporary exhibitions, guided tours, children’s workshops.

Say you’re taking part here!