


For its third edition, the Odyssey continues to unite the peoples of the water and from 14 to 18 September, it offers a hybrid programme for the general public, meetings, cruises, concerts, workshops, walks, balls and nautical challenges. Forget the planes, put away the cars, the sea is there under our feet!

In an overheated world, where cetaceans are lost in the Seine, it is essential to reclaim and reappropriate the urban spaces of freshness that are the waterways in order to project new imaginations. For three years now, the Odyssey has been inventing the joint race and setting up shipyards in the heart of working-class neighbourhoods, where fabulous floating machines are collectively built to sail on the river and canals.

For this 3rd edition of the Odyssey, we propose to meet every evening at the water’s edge with the “Bal Arrangé de L’Odyssée” by choreographer Johan Amselem – Cie la Halte Garderie: a welcoming and hybrid project, which creates a common choreographic language, whether or not you are disabled, accompanied by dancers and accomplices, with DJ MR Bonus.

See you on Fluctuart on Wednesday 14 September from 7.30 pm to 9 pm for the first rehearsal of the Ball: 

With Johan Amselem – la Cie Halte Garderie

All the program here.