
Meet & Sign · Black Book by Bebar

The Bookshop by Fluctuart is happy to welcome the artist BEBAR for a meeting and signing session around the release of his Black Book !
Much more than a simple sketchbook, BEBAR’s Black Book is an art book. For the Franco-Spanish artist, it all began with graffiti on the walls of his home town of Vitry-sur-Seine (Val de Marne). There he developed an offbeat and transgressive style based on his emotions and on the observation of his environment. In this work, the human being is represented through his fears, his addictions and his feelings. BEBAR also revisits and appropriates the academic classics that fascinate him. The city has always been his main source of inspiration. Urban objects, vehicles, shop fronts: all have their importance for the humans who haunt them. The artist has also portrayed them by observing them through his artistic prism. The illustrations in this Blackbook have been carefully assembled by BEBAR and Studio Bluebird in a monochrome book of 152 pages (18 x 25 cm). They selected a quality paper (Arena Ivory Rough 170 grams/m2) and protected it with a square-backed cardboard cover covered with black cloth. A signet tape and black jaspering on the edges make this a product of great detail.
Born in 1993, the Franco-Spanish artist BEBAR is distinguished by his versatility and his dual practice, between graffiti and academic mastery, between figuration and abstraction. It was at the École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and then at the Parsons School in New York that he learned the academic techniques that would blend with his taste for street art, including the most transgressive. BEBAR expresses himself in different forms such as illustration, sculpture and tattooing. He exhibits his work in art galleries and in the streets of the cities that inspire him: Paris, New York, Rio, Havana…