
Talk · The Street Art of the Lebanese Revolution

Street art of the Lebanese revolution: real language or performance scene?
Saturday 25 March – From 6pm

On October 17, 2019, the Lebanese people – all religions, social classes and political tendencies – gather in downtown Beirut. The slogan “Kelon yaane kellon” (All means all) is resounding, calling for the fall of the government which has failed to find a solution to the deep economic crisis threatening the country. The demonstrators then took over the most symbolic and important squares and roads in Beirut and other Lebanese cities.

The artists, for their part, took possession of the walls and streets of Beirut by drawing graffiti and giant frescoes, thus creating a giant frescoes, thus creating an open-air street art museum. Are these works a real language of revolt or a tool for performance and performance and representation tool on the open stage of the “revolution”?

Fluctuart, the first floating urban art centre in Paris, and Elfan, a cultural mediation company founded by the Lebanese Fabienne Touma, are collaborating on this round table that looks back at these street-art works and their significance. Several Lebanese urban artists will speak on the subject.