
Fluctuart and Seine Design win the ADC Architecture Award

The Seine Design agency wins the “ADC Awards” architecture prize in the culture category with Fluctuart.

The first floating exhibition space, Fluctuart is designed by SEINE DESIGN, a river architecture firm. Part of the “Reinventing the Seine” program launched and supported by the City of Paris, the Rouen Normandy Metropolis, Le Havre Seine Metropolis and HAROPA, the project offers a program of exhibitions by international urban artists in a unique setting. Street art on nearly 1,000 square meters… floating on the Seine! This is indeed what the river architecture agency SEINE DESIGN has proposed for the design of this new Parisian cultural venue Fluctuart.

For this project, the architects played the card of the port universe, recreating a raw steel dock with glass boxes on a regular rhythm. This pattern is at the origin of the entire interior layout, from the use of industrial materials and lighting to the frames of the works. Thanks to the omnipresence of openings, visitors can enjoy exceptional views of the docks on one side and the river on the other.


Created in 2013, the ArchiDesignclub Awards, also known as the ADC Awards, recognize each year the most remarkable architectural achievements by young designers as well as established talents. With projects of a great diversity of contexts, scales, budgets and means, the distinction is appreciated today as much for its quality requirement as for the eclecticism of the works selected by the editorial staff of Muuuz magazine. These are then judged by a jury of experts and Muuuz readers.
More information here.


With thirty years of international experience in the field of naval and floating architecture, Gérard Ronzatti and his team are now offering unprecedented architectural solutions on water. French leader in floating architecture, the Seine Design team puts its know-how at the service of territories and their inhabitants. Fully integrated into the paradigm of the sustainable city, Seine Design urges a respectful return to the river, new ways of living and understanding it. Architectural excellence, river innovation and socio-ecological concerns are the values defended by this unique architectural studio. More information here.