
“Méli-Mélo” : Hydrane’s solo show at Canopy Gallery

“Méli-Mélo”: a visual cocktail of colors in the heart of summer, this is the solo exhibition of the artist, Hydrane, a multidisciplinary Franco-Peruvian creator.

Trained as an architect, she draws from archaeology (Nazca signs), architecture and urban art. She juggles with real space and projected space since always by drawing, and today by a great variety of techniques. Her pieces are fascinating plastic translations of emotions through lyrical forms and colors communicating in harmony with the place and the urban space that is dedicated to them.

This exhibition is a collaboration between Espace Canopy and Deborah Gallin – Hydrane’s artistic agent – and will take place from July 31st to August 13th at the Espace Canopy gallery. The opening will take place on July 31, 2021. The closing will take place on August 13, 2021.


Born in 1988, Hydrane currently lives and works in Paris. She has always been passionate about drawing and has always known that her line oscillates between architectural creation and the creation of her own universe. After graduating from the Paris-Belleville School of Architecture in 2015, she decided to create bridges between her knowledge of architecture and her artistic practice, making them meet through different mediums. Between almost nanoscopic drawings and 175m long geoglyphs, she tries to adapt to all supports, all scales and to master the adapted techniques.

Hydrane has always drawn but it is only since five years that she started to realize frescos. It is in Brazil that she realized her first frescoes in 2017 and has since become passionate about large format creations. She quickly entered into collaboration with the cities of Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers, Le Mans to name a few. Always for the realization of her frescoes, they obtain the support of various associations (Les 3 Murs, Pixoasso, etc.) or recognized institutions (Cité de Refuge, Paris 13ème). In addition, she participates in the Venice Biennale in 2018 thanks to the collective of 6B – a building dedicated to art and creation – where she is a resident artist. The artist’s collaboration with the haute couture house Louis Vuitton marks a major turning point in her career (note: this artist-architect is the first to build a bridge between the world of street art and that of luxury).

Follow her work on Instagram.

[Source: press release]