
Zoom on the creative process of Alëxone Dizac

Can you remind us who you are and your artistic practice?

Alëxone dizac, painter from the Graffiti.

What is your background, how did you start to create?

It’s quite difficult to date it precisely, I first saw graffiti, drawings of skateboards, TV, advertising, I liked these visuals and then came the age of adolescence and the desire to draw too. Since then I haven’t really stopped, without any specific training I always wanted to do things I liked.

In your daily work as an artist, what inspires you? What is the trigger for the creation of a work?

I would say everything, how else could it be? There is only the desire that triggers me to create a work.

Can you explain to us the way in which you build a work? What are the different stages of creation?

It is complex because I do not necessarily have a type of work. Generally the desire to use a technique, a fabric … it would be too reductive to find a recipe. I also need to surprise myself and I like to leave room for chance and then shape it, often keeping areas of chance, highlighting it with something more thoughtful for example.

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