
Zoom on Bault’s creative process

As an urban art centre, Fluctuart takes you to meet the artists in order to better understand their creative process. See you today with Bault.

Can you remind us who you are and your artistic practice?

I am Bault, I draw and paint to save the world from its deadly torpor.

What is your background, how did you start creating?

I come from a small village near Rodez in Aveyron. I have always seen my father draw and be passionate about the little things in life. I do the same as him.

I did the Beaux Arts in Avignon and the Arts Déco in Strasbourg where I left the world of drawing to discover new media such as video or sound. The drawing came back in force later in Paris with the meetings and the urban peregrinations.)

In your daily work as an artist, what inspires you? What triggers the creation of a work?

People often talk about my work on bestiary or monsters but I have the impression I’m talking about life, current events, my direct environment. I will say that what inspires me comes from my daily life, from what I see and live.

The trigger is above all the desire and the pleasure to project oneself into a new graphic adventure. Whatever the subject, I don’t do decoration. I navigate without a compass between illustration, comics, urban art and contemporary art…

Can you explain us how you build a work? What are the different stages of creation?

It’s very variable, it all depends on the destination of the work. If there is no direct client, the first step is the task of “dirtying” the blank sheet of paper. I love Ralph Steadman’s work, you can see here some videos that illustrate this idea. Then comes the work of thinking or letting go as if you were looking at the clouds and seeing shapes in them. Then comes the graphic work of the line that will reveal the figure.

This being said, each series calls for new creative processes, nothing is fixed.

Discover below the design of the work Ramen humus.